Presentation of the "QUALITY MADE" touristic-cultural label - European Cooperation Day
Sep 21

Presentation of the “QUALITY MADE” touristic-cultural label

Livorno, Italy
21 Sep

In the occasion of the European Cooperation Day, the S.MAR.T.I.C. project will present the new label “QUALITY MADE”, aimed at certifying the quality of touristic and cultural sites between Italy and France. Partners from Tuscany, Liguria, Sardinia in Italy, and Corsica and Provence-Alpes-Cote D’Azur in France, have been cooperating to identify pilot sites to test this label, and to define criteria to give the label.

This event will also be the occasion to showcase the contribution of European Territorial Cooperation to the promotion of sustainable tourism and the preservation of our natural and cultural heritage.

After the event, the participants will have the opportunity to visit the Museum of the City of Livorno, where the conference will take place.

For more information about the S.MAR.T.I.C. project, visit the website:


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